SwissPass – Swiss Rails goes Big Brother
The new project of Swiss Rails manages to make everybody unhappy. Critics underline issue with data management, transparency and a few details which are against consumers rights. An article in Italian.
The new project of Swiss Rails manages to make everybody unhappy. Critics underline issue with data management, transparency and a few details which are against consumers rights. An article in Italian.
It was supposed to save us all from the pandemics. The Cochrane Collaboration and BMJ have discovered that Tamiflu is far from being effective and bear important side effects. The Tamiflu Saga in a 56 Minutes long investigative documentary shot in Japan, Italy, UK and Switzerland.
A regional conference has brought to Geneva ethics and standards in investigative journalism. Best practices and tools to learn, with the first rule being: hands-on. An article in Italian for EJO the European Journalism Observatory.
Si impara ‘mettendoci le mani’ e si insegna partendo dall’esperienza come professionisti del mestiere. A Ginevra una conferenza porta alla ribalta esperienze innovative nel giornalismo d’inchiesta europeo.
DocumentCloud is both a repository of primary source documents and a tool for document-based investigative reporting. An article I wrote in Italian for EJO, the European Journalism Observatory. Basta evidenziatori e foglietti adesivi. Addio alla transumanza di files e cartelle per memory stick e interminabili sequenze di email. E alla fine del progetto, finalmente un modo Read more about DocumentCloud, la nuvola dei documenti[…]
Highlights of the Global Investigative Journalism Conference of 2011 in Kiev. Workshop per affinare i trucchi del mestiere e tavole rotonde per avviare progetti di collaborazione transnazionale. 520 giornalisti d’inchiesta sono arrivati a Kiev da tutto il pianeta.