Il fantasma della pandemia / The Phantom of Pandemics

The phantom of pandemics, an investigative reporting for the Swiss public broadcaster. I have been digging deep on biomedical literature, statistics, industry contracts for the pandemic vaccines and much more. It was on Swiss TV in Italian, French and German, 2010. Pandemia suina, uno spettro che ha preoccupato il mondo. Le previsioni dei catastrofisti non si sono realizzate: il pianeta l’ha vissuta come una comune Influenza. Gli Stati hanno acquistato milioni di dosi di vaccino pandemico, rimaste per lo più inutilizzate. L’hanno fatto su indicazione dell’OMS. Al Consiglio d’Europa, la Commissione Sanità accusa l’OMS di avere creato una “falsa pandemia”, un business miliardario. L’OMS si è fatta condizionare dall’industria farmaceutica?

Roaccutan / Morire per la pelle

A powerful acne medication, that has at least 150 serious side effects. I came along its story in 2005, by researching for my long feature documentary about drug safety regulation. There we featured for the first time the story of Liam Grant, a courageous father fighting in the name of his son. After the broadcast, we received hundreds Read more about Roaccutan / Morire per la pelle[…]

Speranza e affari

The new cancer drugs are called intelligent and they bring hope to patients and families. Most of them, though, come to the market after a short testing process and their stellar costs do not match their often poor efficacy profile. La beffa dei nuovi farmaci oncologici: costano un capitale e spesso prolungano la vita di appena pochi giorni.

Tamiflu. A Drug for the Birds?

by Serena Tinari Published: March 8, 2006 The case of the well-known Tamiflu: serves only one purpose, to bring in profits to Roche. A powerful communication strategy and a massive psychosis helped the Swiss multinational sell an astronomic quantity of a drug that had a bad start, was essentially worthless and hardly ever tested for Read more about Tamiflu. A Drug for the Birds?[…]