Malata e abbandonata

Switzerland has a strong social state and its health system is rated among the top ten in the world. Still, everything can go wrong in Cheesland too. Francesca Rüedi Cristofaro, a cancer patient, wrote to TV because of her difficult situation, a weird chain of kafquesques events highlighting incompetency and some cynicism by institutions and doctors. Francesca Rüedi Cristofaro ha scritto a Patti chiari per denunciare la sua storia, un incredibile caso di abbandono e malasanità in salsa svizzera che chiama in causa servizi sociali, medici, ospedali e assistenza domiciliare.

Thailand Swiss Village

In 2006 I traveled to Thailand with the journalist Eva Pedrelli to film a documentary in Ban Jan Swiss, a village in the north of the country where, according to a research published by a Thai university, only because of an amazing social phenomena, it had happened that almost every woman of the village was married to a Swiss. Indeed very Swiss names were on every door and stunning Villas all over the place. Our documentary was broadcast by Falò RSI in 2007.

Speranza e affari

The new cancer drugs are called intelligent and they bring hope to patients and families. Most of them, though, come to the market after a short testing process and their stellar costs do not match their often poor efficacy profile. La beffa dei nuovi farmaci oncologici: costano un capitale e spesso prolungano la vita di appena pochi giorni.

Tamiflu. A Drug for the Birds?

by Serena Tinari Published: March 8, 2006 The case of the well-known Tamiflu: serves only one purpose, to bring in profits to Roche. A powerful communication strategy and a massive psychosis helped the Swiss multinational sell an astronomic quantity of a drug that had a bad start, was essentially worthless and hardly ever tested for Read more about Tamiflu. A Drug for the Birds?[…]